Thursday, May 5, 2011

So, as we all know, everyone, even trainers, hit plateaus (wha???). Yes, I am plateauing. And it sucks donkey balls.

At one point in time, I had hit 126 in the month of April. I was stoked! Only 7 pounds away from my pre-pregnancy weight. But somehow or another - I have gained 4 lbs back! BUT, here's the kicker-I'm still losing inches (pretty sure, anyway, I don't measure again until Sunday). I had a goal of being back in my pre-pregnancy skinny jeans by May 21st. Not going to happen, I am afraid. And that is ok. (Right? It's ok? Validate me please! haha). I know that since I am breastfeeding, I am NOT one of those women where the weight just falls off. I am still very jealous of those woman and if are one of those, I would like to trade bodies with you. Ok? I have a volatile supply, as well, so if I cut back my calories too much, it will drop rapidly.

So, we have really upped the ante in our workouts. Mike and I started p90x this week, I am in week 7 or 8 of couch-to-5k which are 27 minute runs 3 times a week (and I NEED to go out for a run today) and I am leading boot camps again (yay!). I'm really building muscle mass now and I can tell. I'm SURE that is why I'm eating great and still gaining. It sucks to see the scale go up though.

I also celebrated the awesome 3-0 yesterday and think I did particularly well eating wise, considering its my birthday. I also found my first gray hair on May 3rd, to let me know it was definitely the end of a decade. I'm excited for what the future will bring! I'm envisioning the strongest, healthiest, leanest body yet, among other wonderful things like seeing my kids grow into teens (gasp) and growing more in love with the hubs.

Ok, I better go run before I decide to take a nap instead. Ciao for now!

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