Excuse my couple of weeks that are missing...workouts were few and far between!
Sunday May 15: Rest
Monday May 16: Rest
Tuesday May 17: Plyometrics X
Wednesday May 18: lite boot camp, 30 min run (weather permitting), shoulder and arms
Thursday May 19: lite boot camp, 1 hour walk with kids (weather permitting), yoga X
Friday May 20: lite boot camp, legs and back, 30 min run
Saturday May 21: Kempo X, 30 min run if possible
Sunday May 1: rest
Monday May 2: p90x chest and back and boot camp-shoulders and chest plus sprints (still sore from that...)
Tues May 3: p90x (plyometrics, about 25 mins) and like a quarter of boot camp
Wed May 4: p90x-shoulders/arms (only like 15 mins though due to kids) then boot camp tonight
Thurs May 5: 27 min run, yoga 90x, lite boot camp (maybe 15-20 mins worth)
Friday May 6: 27 min run, Legs and Back 90x (I'll be teaching boot camp but will most likely do modified moves and only bits and pieces of the workout)
Saturday May 7: 27 min run, Kenpo X
Sunday May 8: rest or stretch x depending on how the day goes (most likely rest)
Sunday April 24th: rest
Monday April 25th: 25 min run, boot camp
Tuesday April 26th: 25 min run
Wednesday April 27th: Boot camp
Thursday April 28th: 25 min run
Friday April 29th: 25 min run, boot camp
Saturday April 30th: 25 min run (did not do :()
unday, April 17th: Rest Day
Monday, April 18th: Strength day: upper body and abs, Couch to 5K
Tuesday, April 19th: 1 hour interval training (walking the Seacliff hill and the esplanade)
Wednesday, April 20th: Rest Day
Thursday, April 21st: couch to 5K(10 mins, 3 min walk, 10 mins)
Friday, April 22nd: Couch to 5k (25 min run!) strength training: lower body
Saturday, April 23rd: total body strength training