Ok, so I am about to answer the biggest question every postpartum mom asks: how do I get my postpartum abs back to where I was pre-pregnancy? I wish this was a simple answer. If so, we'd all have washboard abs, right?
So, as you know, your belly and body expands during pregnancy (you can tell every week as you try to keep your pre-pregnancy jeans on! Soon enough...not even a rubber band will keep those puppies up). Our abdominal muscles actually move out to the sides and the uterus takes center stage. And although every pound we gain is needed to support and grow that little special someone, we only gain a 7-8 pound baby in the end, maybe another 5lbs of fluids...and usually 5 pounds or more of just maternal fat. Fat that helps support that baby grow healthily and develop perfectly.
Sounds great, right? Well, that special day comes and that baby is born...and we come home looking 6 months pregnant. Wait, we HAD the baby so why do we still look pregnant? Well, part of it is that the uterus is still contracting back into its typical size. By the time your baby is 4-6 weeks though, your uterus is back to normal. Part of it is that awesome maternal fat that lingers around the middle. I breastfed my first and I must say, that fat loved to linger. I had never had issues losing weight until I had a baby! And of course, it takes time for the abs to become strong again, and for them to go back to their "original position".We have to retrain them and work on that strength all over again. With my first, I had such weak pelvic floor and low abdominal muscles that I could barely raise and lower my legs to 90 degrees when laying on the floor! So, to say we don't need core strength training is a joke. We all need it, especially after having a baby.
So, how do we change those abs of ours? Well, this is two fold. First of all, repeat this to me: YOU CANNOT SPOT REDUCE. Nope, no matter how many sit ups or crunches you do, you cannot spot reduce. All you will do is build awesome, strong abs, under a layer of fat. YOU NEED CARDIO! You have to bring up your heart rate enough to burn calories and eat less calories than you consume to burn fat. And for some, you will lose everywhere but your middle first. (I'm the opposite-my waist was back to pre-pregnancy measurements at 13 weeks this time, but my hips and thighs are the slowest to lose!). Keep up the cardio - a minimum of 5 days a week, 30 minutes a day-and you will melt the fat off.
Ok, so what role do abs workouts play? Well, When you look into starting a strength training program post-pregnancy, it is very important to remember how much a strong core DOES play. The core is basically the trunk of your body: from your chest to glutes. So, it's not just a bunch of ab exercises that make you feel like your pants fit better (although that can be a plus). When you run or do any type of cardio, a strong core will help you in speed, in energy and stamina and keep your form tight. A strong core helps us from causing injury in other workouts. There's also the fact that when those muscles are strong and we burn off that layer of fat, you can see the definition. And that's hot.
Ok, where do you start? Well, as with any workout, after clearance from your obstetrician, start slowly and thoughtfully. Balls to the wall is not the best thing to do after giving birth! Inside your postpartum manual from the hospital, they give some very basic movements to get your muscles moving again, as well as special consideration for those recovering from c-sections as well. Do those BEFORE starting any of the below workouts.
Once you are 6-8 weeks postpartum you can start with these 3 key moves to rebuilding your core. I suggest anywhere from 2-3 sets of 12-20 reps (and plank holds for 20 seconds-up to 1 min). If you want to add an extra cardio kick to them, do the full set of each movement without rest, then add 1-3 mins of cardio: jumping rope, jumping jacks, jogging, squats, etc. You will burn a few more calories this way, too!
Side Plank
Air Bike
So, let's get to work rebuilding that important part of the body: the core! If you have any questions feel free to comment below!
Friday, April 22, 2011
Sunday, April 17, 2011
Finally...a catch up post
Well, one thing I know for sure: it's hard to blog with two kids, 22 months apart. I basically have enough time to promote my personal training business (and not enough there, I know!) and catch up with friends. M is very busy with his internship at hospice, leaving me with 2 kiddos during the day. J has started potty training, so between diaper changes, feedings, and potty trips I am one very busy mama. We have also had 4 colds since January, the most recent one still lingering, keeping us mostly housebound. I think we all are a little stir crazy.
After 2 months of practically passing out without enough protein (W had a milk protein intolerance, causing me to be unintentionally vegan, until 12 weeks), I can finally tolerate meat again (thanks, pregnancy food aversions!). So, I have been enjoying some VERY yummy paleo/primal meals.
As for working out, I have been trying to as much as I can, but the cold season is just kicking me in the butt. I start week 6 of couch to 5K today and have been doing this awesome strength training routine 1-2 times a week: http://articles.elitefts.com/articles/training-articles/what-women-should-never-do-but-often-do-while-trying-to-get-in-shape-part-1-of-6/ and since the beginning of April, I have lost 4lbs. But I need to keep up with the strength training-all my pants just fit different this time and I think I have more junk-in-the-trunk.
Well, keep yourselves tuned, I'll be putting up a progress page and some tips for getting back into shape during your postpartum period! Ciao!
After 2 months of practically passing out without enough protein (W had a milk protein intolerance, causing me to be unintentionally vegan, until 12 weeks), I can finally tolerate meat again (thanks, pregnancy food aversions!). So, I have been enjoying some VERY yummy paleo/primal meals.
As for working out, I have been trying to as much as I can, but the cold season is just kicking me in the butt. I start week 6 of couch to 5K today and have been doing this awesome strength training routine 1-2 times a week: http://articles.elitefts.com/articles/training-articles/what-women-should-never-do-but-often-do-while-trying-to-get-in-shape-part-1-of-6/ and since the beginning of April, I have lost 4lbs. But I need to keep up with the strength training-all my pants just fit different this time and I think I have more junk-in-the-trunk.
Well, keep yourselves tuned, I'll be putting up a progress page and some tips for getting back into shape during your postpartum period! Ciao!
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