Sunday, April 17, 2011

Finally...a catch up post

Well, one thing I know for sure: it's hard to blog with two kids, 22 months apart. I basically have enough time to promote my personal training business (and not enough there, I know!) and catch up with friends. M is very busy with his internship at hospice, leaving me with 2 kiddos during the day. J has started potty training, so between diaper changes, feedings, and potty trips I am one very busy mama. We have also had 4 colds since January, the most recent one still lingering, keeping us mostly housebound. I think we all are a little stir crazy.

After 2 months of practically passing out without enough protein (W had a milk protein intolerance, causing me to be unintentionally vegan, until 12 weeks), I can finally tolerate meat again (thanks, pregnancy food aversions!). So, I have been enjoying some VERY yummy paleo/primal meals.

As for working out, I have been trying to as much as I can, but the cold season is just kicking me in the butt. I start week 6 of couch to 5K today and have been doing this awesome strength training routine 1-2 times a week: and since the beginning of April, I have lost 4lbs. But I need to keep up with the strength training-all my pants just fit different this time and I think I have more junk-in-the-trunk.

Well, keep yourselves tuned, I'll be putting up a progress page and some tips for getting back into shape during your postpartum period! Ciao!

1 comment:

  1. Looking forward to your tips! Let me know how the potty training goes.
